Momentous Occasion
Yes, it has finally happened. I have used the last of the Method hand soap in the kitchen. As I noted to Mr. and Mrs. C., the shape of the bottle gives this product a startling long life. It's a good product and all, but I get bored of most bath products before I get to the end of them. Dr. SP noted once that I have more bath products than anyone she's ever known, which is surprising since I'm not even all that "girly". Apparently, it's genetic - because my cousin KB is just as bad. Worse. She started younger.
Trivia C had free movie passes to go see Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School. It was a sweet film - worth renting. But what was really striking was the amazing similarity between the boy playing the young John Goodman and the guy who worked at the bakery. Trivia C said they must be father and son, but I said the resemblance was even more striking. I said they had to be the same person, and she was (understandably) incredulous. Well. Guess what. In 1990, the same director made a short film. Titled Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School. Uh-huh. Same actor. Wild.
Trivia C had free movie passes to go see Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School. It was a sweet film - worth renting. But what was really striking was the amazing similarity between the boy playing the young John Goodman and the guy who worked at the bakery. Trivia C said they must be father and son, but I said the resemblance was even more striking. I said they had to be the same person, and she was (understandably) incredulous. Well. Guess what. In 1990, the same director made a short film. Titled Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School. Uh-huh. Same actor. Wild.
I will always and forever miss the Body Shop's grapefruit soap. So pungent, it curled your nostril hairs, and with that neon-pink hue that woke you right up in the morning. They discontinued it sometime in the two-year span when I forgot to shop there. I wish they had warned us, so I could have stocked up. I can't even find it on eBay.
Admin, at 3:17 PM
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