Yes, look for the new blog "Unbloggable" soon from my friend PSB. He seems a bit incredulous about the motivation of anyone in the blogging community, so Banane and I suggested this title for him. Look for discourses on why Tom Delay is way more evil than Nixon, and 10 people to beat down if you're stuck on a deserted island. Eating them is optional.
I finally bit the bullet and asked out the LC. It was just as scary as I thought, with an unpredicted but predictable outcome - the proposed meeting was drinks after work that evening - and he said yes, but seemed surprised, and then made it sound really casual, and then backed out and asked for a rain check sometime next week due to family holiday weekend obligations. It seems as though the "next week" offer is sincere, but I will still be fretting until we actually find ourselves somewhere outside of the office building.
Fortunately, a plan B(s) turned up - Banane and PSB. Banane and I met at Cafe Prague for a glass of wine, then met PSB at an Italian place in North Beach (imagine!) whose name I always forget but they had a pretty good linguini with clam sauce although the olive oil/balsamic they offer for the bread always tastes a bit odd. We discussed the blood boiling that ensues upon hearing "I'm not a feminist, but..." and later at Caffe Trieste agreed that hating Hilary Clinton doesn't make PSB an anti-feminist because we all know he would honestly hate her whatever her gender. I've never worked up any real animosity towards her and don't understand why she seems to be such a lightning rod for it, but Banane and I agreed it's disappointing she had to keep forgiving Bill's slimy affairs and putting on a public stand-by-your-man face when we really wanted her to knee him in the balls. I don't hate Bill, either, but wish he'd taken more responsibility for the pain his lack of restraint (or air of sexual entitlement?) caused his wife and the Democrats who had to listen to the conservatives bitch about how this made him an unsuitable leader. Neither is good, but if you're the President I'd rather you fucked around than fucked over the country.
I finally bit the bullet and asked out the LC. It was just as scary as I thought, with an unpredicted but predictable outcome - the proposed meeting was drinks after work that evening - and he said yes, but seemed surprised, and then made it sound really casual, and then backed out and asked for a rain check sometime next week due to family holiday weekend obligations. It seems as though the "next week" offer is sincere, but I will still be fretting until we actually find ourselves somewhere outside of the office building.
Fortunately, a plan B(s) turned up - Banane and PSB. Banane and I met at Cafe Prague for a glass of wine, then met PSB at an Italian place in North Beach (imagine!) whose name I always forget but they had a pretty good linguini with clam sauce although the olive oil/balsamic they offer for the bread always tastes a bit odd. We discussed the blood boiling that ensues upon hearing "I'm not a feminist, but..." and later at Caffe Trieste agreed that hating Hilary Clinton doesn't make PSB an anti-feminist because we all know he would honestly hate her whatever her gender. I've never worked up any real animosity towards her and don't understand why she seems to be such a lightning rod for it, but Banane and I agreed it's disappointing she had to keep forgiving Bill's slimy affairs and putting on a public stand-by-your-man face when we really wanted her to knee him in the balls. I don't hate Bill, either, but wish he'd taken more responsibility for the pain his lack of restraint (or air of sexual entitlement?) caused his wife and the Democrats who had to listen to the conservatives bitch about how this made him an unsuitable leader. Neither is good, but if you're the President I'd rather you fucked around than fucked over the country.
Oh Hello, I sort of remember the
"Unbloggable" story a little differently but we'll chalk it up to a Rashomon Moment.
To clarify slightly on the Hillary Hatred:
As I said, my dislike of her is akin to
my dislike of ALGOR ... I think they sanctimonious and both run around 24x7 "being smart" when it is perfectly clear BILL CLINTON is about 100x smarter.
I've softed a bit on ALGOR ... and of
course BUSHCO has required significant recalibration and reallocation of spots on the Active Hate List.
BTW, I dont want my BLOG to be called "send me to guantanamo please" so
let's lay off the comments about
cannibalistic consumption of prominment political bodies.
ok tnx.
Count de Forez, at 2:08 AM
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