Wearin' o' the green
I was actually free to leave work at 5:30 yesterday. WEIRD! I finally figured out why text messaging is cool, too - b/c you can send the same message to many friends and find someone to hang out with. Oddly enough, I ran into my friend PSB at the CLC tonight and he has a theory that no one over 35 texts anyone. So I have made the cut-off.
The evening got off to a slow start - the line to meet my friend LL at Irish Bank was WAY too long. Especially to stand in by myself. See, without the booze, still self-conscious. Too kill time until I could meet up with anyone - I went shopping. And had a sandwich. And sat in a Starbucks.
When R.K. was free, I went up to meet her at the 101. While I was waiting, I had a shandy and sat on a couch watching basketball next to a guy who made no eye contact whatsoever. I was losing steam, but felt I should rally and at least try to be entertained. Worked out pretty well. R.K. and I went to Blur because they have MINI BURGERS. Rebecca knows the guy who works the door - he'd just come off a shoot for a reality show about single women dating in San Francisco. Despite the fact that he was cast as "Mr. Wrong", he was still delighted that he was going to be on the show. Before his TV career took off, he took classes to deal blackjack and poker. I said, "So let's play!" and he said, "I'll see if we have cards!" They did, and he and R.K. and I played blackjack and poker while watching the Jackass DVD. I love bar activities.
2 dirty martinis later (one with gin, one with vodka) we wandered down to Edinburgh Castle for 2 pints and a round of darts. We eventually had to turn over the darts when it became clear neither of us was going to get a clean bullseye to finish the round. R.K. definitely had me in the beginning, but we'd caught up after uh... many rounds of no bullseyes for both of us.
We stopped by Blur again on our way home, and I did a shot of fernet. Which is apparently popular in bar circles at the moment. Tastes like a Ricola cough drop.
Walked home, and it was a pretty gorgeous night. Slept well - but then. Morning. Oy. Do you know what I forgot? The hangover part. Clearly, the combination of alcohol was not conducive to a serene and peaceful morning. Perhaps this is why I wore a lot of orange today - as an antidote to all the green.
The evening got off to a slow start - the line to meet my friend LL at Irish Bank was WAY too long. Especially to stand in by myself. See, without the booze, still self-conscious. Too kill time until I could meet up with anyone - I went shopping. And had a sandwich. And sat in a Starbucks.
When R.K. was free, I went up to meet her at the 101. While I was waiting, I had a shandy and sat on a couch watching basketball next to a guy who made no eye contact whatsoever. I was losing steam, but felt I should rally and at least try to be entertained. Worked out pretty well. R.K. and I went to Blur because they have MINI BURGERS. Rebecca knows the guy who works the door - he'd just come off a shoot for a reality show about single women dating in San Francisco. Despite the fact that he was cast as "Mr. Wrong", he was still delighted that he was going to be on the show. Before his TV career took off, he took classes to deal blackjack and poker. I said, "So let's play!" and he said, "I'll see if we have cards!" They did, and he and R.K. and I played blackjack and poker while watching the Jackass DVD. I love bar activities.
2 dirty martinis later (one with gin, one with vodka) we wandered down to Edinburgh Castle for 2 pints and a round of darts. We eventually had to turn over the darts when it became clear neither of us was going to get a clean bullseye to finish the round. R.K. definitely had me in the beginning, but we'd caught up after uh... many rounds of no bullseyes for both of us.
We stopped by Blur again on our way home, and I did a shot of fernet. Which is apparently popular in bar circles at the moment. Tastes like a Ricola cough drop.
Walked home, and it was a pretty gorgeous night. Slept well - but then. Morning. Oy. Do you know what I forgot? The hangover part. Clearly, the combination of alcohol was not conducive to a serene and peaceful morning. Perhaps this is why I wore a lot of orange today - as an antidote to all the green.
Fernet, eh? Inquiring minds wanted to know, and so I found this:
Admin, at 3:23 PM
And I had to post this from that story: If you can imagine getting punched squarely in the nose while sucking on a mentholated cough drop, you'll have an idea of Fernet-Branca's indelicate first impressions.
Admin, at 3:24 PM
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