Tech- NO, and a confession digression
I went to a tech women's networking event tonight, b/c several friends of mine are involved with the group and their party offered (delicious) appetizers and (free) drink tix. I was glad I went, and had fun, but felt a bit like an impostor. Since I don't work in tech myself, and actively avoid many techie things. My friend P.S.B. said that wasn't entirely true, b/c I blog. So a woman we were talking to asked me questions about the blogging experience and interface - I answered with SOME degree of competence. I said my blog wavers between observational and confessional, but is mostly a place for me to post news of my life for friends I don't see every day.
I started thinking about the confessional aspect, and realized I don't do that very well, actually. I feel free to confess my angst over my professional life, but I am MUCH less likely to divulge angst over my love life. Like details about my longstanding crush. Chances are, the work rants are much more likely to cause future strife or embarrassment - but I still have a hard time openly discussing romantic hopes or failures. Is it because I'm too OLD to have crushes anyway? Or fear I nurse them too long? We're all familiar with He's Just Not That Into You, and maybe I just need to really buy into this. But it's hard when it seems like there IS real potential, and I don't know why our friendly relationship doesn't appear to be going anywhere. I want tips, and advice, and I also don't think there's any to be had. I want someone to intervene on my behalf, and there's no one to do it. I want a new distraction, but I hate leaving this one unfinished.
OK, another serious digression. The Kraft Crumbles commercial to EMF's "Unbelievable" is so unsettling it's kinda gross. It could be that "crumble" and "cheese" are not a savory fit, or the disturbing nature of a cool song being used in such a ridiculously commercial manner.
I started thinking about the confessional aspect, and realized I don't do that very well, actually. I feel free to confess my angst over my professional life, but I am MUCH less likely to divulge angst over my love life. Like details about my longstanding crush. Chances are, the work rants are much more likely to cause future strife or embarrassment - but I still have a hard time openly discussing romantic hopes or failures. Is it because I'm too OLD to have crushes anyway? Or fear I nurse them too long? We're all familiar with He's Just Not That Into You, and maybe I just need to really buy into this. But it's hard when it seems like there IS real potential, and I don't know why our friendly relationship doesn't appear to be going anywhere. I want tips, and advice, and I also don't think there's any to be had. I want someone to intervene on my behalf, and there's no one to do it. I want a new distraction, but I hate leaving this one unfinished.
OK, another serious digression. The Kraft Crumbles commercial to EMF's "Unbelievable" is so unsettling it's kinda gross. It could be that "crumble" and "cheese" are not a savory fit, or the disturbing nature of a cool song being used in such a ridiculously commercial manner.
AH! Then - SUCCESS! :-)
Kathy Me, at 1:12 PM
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