Vote with your feet or vote with your dollar
I did both today. After finding out that Washington Mutual, who has built an entire ad campaign around not offering "Fake Free Checking", was charging me anytime I used an out-of-network ATM, I wanted to pull all my money out right away. While it was too inconvenient to do instantly - checks have to CLEAR and all - I dropped out today. Gleefully, I might add. Oh, and I got a new checkbook register just before I told them to close my account. Heh. In this glorious age of internet banking, and debit cards which make checks an item I only use in the mail, I have been able to direct deposit back to the credit union I came to know and yes, maybe love a little bit, down in SoCal. Also, by NOT being a customer of their bank, I can now use the WaMu ATMs free PLUS those of my current bank, which doubles my options. HaHA, WaMu, and ScruYu.
If you don't like how someone does business, please don't patronise them. Think Wal-Mart is evil? Don't shop there. EVER. You found out a certain gas franchise doesn't offer benefits to same sex life partners? Don't get gas there. EVER. While it's good to tell people WHY you won't use these businesses, keeping true to your own code is another way to make sure you don't perpetuate the problems you see them creating.
Anywhere you refuse to go, or products you won't buy? I'm curious.
If you don't like how someone does business, please don't patronise them. Think Wal-Mart is evil? Don't shop there. EVER. You found out a certain gas franchise doesn't offer benefits to same sex life partners? Don't get gas there. EVER. While it's good to tell people WHY you won't use these businesses, keeping true to your own code is another way to make sure you don't perpetuate the problems you see them creating.
Anywhere you refuse to go, or products you won't buy? I'm curious.
Holy sh*t. What's "tips tricks to anorexia"? A diet site in very poor taste?
Places I don't go: Old Navy, because they're union busters (sure, who isn't, but I saw them being picketed when they were opening a store near me and it made an impression. And their clothes are junk). Exxon, because they crapped all over the Arctic (and still want to; they're big backers of drilling there). And I won't buy that Clairol herbal shampoo because I HATE their orgasm ad campaign.
Admin, at 8:27 PM
Yeah, I hate Herbal Essence, too! I almost had to swear off Quizno's because of that horrid man-suckling-on-a-wolf commercial, but then they used the Spong Monkeys and all was forgiven.
BTW, I've opened comments up to all users, but have turned on word verification to ward off spammers, which is what you were referring to in the first part of your comment.
Kathy Me, at 11:58 PM
The only items I have bought at Old Navy were some cotton Hawaiian-type shirts that have lasted for 3 years (with two people wearing them). I probably got lucky though.
Another friend of mine wouldn't register to vote and claimed he 'voted with his wallet' - though he was shopping at Wal Mart, so I was a bit skeptical of his wallet's ethics. He did eventually register to vote before the 2004 election, though.
Also! I wanted to suggest a blog for you to read: - it's my friend J's blog and she has some good takes on dating and such.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM
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