Damn you, Specialty's, and your ridiculously irresistible cookies. How can I say no to a warm peanut butter cookie that dissolves in my mouth and has the most intriguing texture of crumbly and creamy? It's the shortening. Cookies are just better with shortening. Butter makes 'em flat and crispy. Shortening makes 'em voluptuous and flexible. Like myself.
With the siren call of Specialty's across the street from my office building, I need to try to tune in to hear the annoying shrill wail of the gym. Really, why is my desire for cookies so disproportionate to my desire to exercise? Just not right.
With the siren call of Specialty's across the street from my office building, I need to try to tune in to hear the annoying shrill wail of the gym. Really, why is my desire for cookies so disproportionate to my desire to exercise? Just not right.
I OD'd on the Quaker Oats bars in my Weight Watchers Days - most are 2 points. I believe it's the chocolate chip that's somehow 3, even though the chips are so teeny.
MY workplace bonus is free milk! Regular, low-fat AND skim! Actually, I believe skim is now "fat free". Not that either sounds particularly tasty. Still. Good for cereal, not so much for coffee - even if you ARE drinking decaf.
Kathy Me, at 9:22 AM
Cookies are one of the great joys of life. Along with chocolate. A little hit every day won't kill ya. Us responsible types aren't allowed to have REAL addictions, so we gotta take what we can get.
Admin, at 7:50 PM
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