More Good News for Optimists

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"There Were Errors"

I just wrote out an entry about my friends' baby shower - and then it didn't publish. Blogger reported, "There were errors." So I will just share the important part - that I am looking forward to meeting this child. I won't have nieces or nephews of my own, and so my friends' kids mean a lot to me. I don't want "Aunt Kathy" to be an honorary title, I want to be extended family, and a meaningful part of their lives.

Stayed home from work today, recovering from a flu bug of some sort. I was going to try to go to work anyway, but while I was showering this morning I didn't have the energy to stand up anymore so I had to sit down in the tub. "There were errors."

A few days ago, I pulled out an old journal I had written in 1995-1996, and I was struck by the fact that - I haven't changed. Good or bad, I'm pretty much the same. Same issues. Same way of dealing with them. Is this working for me? I'm skeptical. "There were errors."

This was a very disjointed entry. I'm losing some focus here. I don't know what I feel comfortable sharing in a blog; is this to record experience, or thoughts, or feelings? I like "themes", but I'm not seeing any in my life right now that I feel like recording with any regularity. "Things I Ate Today", "People I Talked to on the Phone", "What I Read", "On the Bus".

Actually, I did see something odd on the bus last week. A woman sitting across from me took out a compact mirror, and then carefully applied - Chapstick. Plain Chapstick. I had to giggle - was she worried she couldn't FIND her lips, or afraid she'd have CLEAR all over her face if she didn't stay within the lines?


  • I was watching Caroline Rhea on HBO the other day and she said she likes being the EVIL single friend. Her friend's daughter ran out of the bathroom saying, "Daddy's got a tail," and she asked her, "How big a tail, sweetie?"

    By Blogger Admin, at 9:24 PM  

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