New hobby
Know what I never do? Drink alone. Know what I'm doing tonight? Drinking alone. It's not the most desperate kind - I was actually invited to a party, and invited to meet other friends for drinks - but leaving work at 8:45 I just didn't feel like it. I wanted to go home. And pour some Bailey's over my chocolate ice cream. Then I decided I wanted some decaf. To go with more Bailey's.
This was a rough week. I almost cried at work TWICE. In FRONT of people. Embarrassing. The work is stressful, the people are occasionally difficult, I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I can't see how to carve out more time to take care of myself. Carving out time just feels like one more freakin' task.
I set the VCR (yes, I still have one - I'm old school that way) to tape the Arrested Development finale, and it's just about finished taping so I can watch it now. Instead of listening to my Marc Cohn CD, which is still good after all these years but the last song just makes me sad b/c it's all about love and crap. With "Nobody Loves You Day" looming on the horizon, I have little tolerance for this at the moment. So you know what I'm going to have with my Bailey's and decaf? Some bacon. I don't know why, I just am. Because I can. And then? More Bailey's. Awesome.
This was a rough week. I almost cried at work TWICE. In FRONT of people. Embarrassing. The work is stressful, the people are occasionally difficult, I'm feeling overwhelmed, and I can't see how to carve out more time to take care of myself. Carving out time just feels like one more freakin' task.
I set the VCR (yes, I still have one - I'm old school that way) to tape the Arrested Development finale, and it's just about finished taping so I can watch it now. Instead of listening to my Marc Cohn CD, which is still good after all these years but the last song just makes me sad b/c it's all about love and crap. With "Nobody Loves You Day" looming on the horizon, I have little tolerance for this at the moment. So you know what I'm going to have with my Bailey's and decaf? Some bacon. I don't know why, I just am. Because I can. And then? More Bailey's. Awesome.
Mmmmmm .... Bailey's and chocolate ice cream. That's a lot classier than my secret-shame comfort food, which is salad dressing dumped over popcorn. Ranch or Italian, then eaten with a fork. While watching Saturday Night Live. Hey, I think I'll be doing that tonight!
Admin, at 7:23 PM
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