More Good News for Optimists

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Parking is an entirely different animal when you live in a city. One that can never be tamed, but it goes along with your wishes once in a while. When I first moved here, I got five (yes, five) parking tickets in the first three months. OK, one was in Menlo Park, but still - before this time period, I'd had ONE. On CAMPUS. A pretty good record.

The past two days, and once more tomorrow, I've had to drive to San Jose really early in the morning (6:30) for a box babysitting project. Common in law. In any case, the one thing I have enjoyed about this ridiculously early start time is that allows me to park just about ANYWHERE b/c I know I'll have the car moved before meters kick or in or before street cleaners come by. Oddly enought, I've had two of the best parking spots I've EVER HAD while living in this building over the past two days. On the one hand, it seems like a shame b/c the car won't even BE there long. On the other hand, it's ludicrous to even THINK that's a shame b/c isn't the whole point of a good parking space not having to walk far to the car? Leaving it in a good space LONGER doesn't really add any value. Yet, it's a natural instinct to think, "Wow, I wish I could leave my car here ALL WEEK!"


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