Better run run run, run run run away...
My friend C.G. invited me to a LitQuake event this weekend - A.B. had e-vited me earlier, but I wasn't sure I felt like pretending to be up on San Francisco literati. When C.G. offered to drive, I was sold. Funny thing about the Mission - it seems like a vibrant, interesting, fun place to hang out, but there's no convenient way to get there from where I live. The bus would take about 45 minutes - and that doesn't count time spent waiting for said bus. Parking is not readily available either in the Mission or my OWN neighborhood, which means a struggle to find a space going both ways. And cab fare is roughly $12 each way, meaning a financial commitment of $25 and that's BEFORE the drinking starts.
Anyway, on our way to Ritual Coffee Roasters to hear columnists from the SF Chronicle (where according to the suggested LitQuake drinking game I would take 2 sips for my Matt Gonzalez sighting - and possibly an additional 2 since I was actually introduced and we shook hands), we stopped to browse the used book bins at Dog-Eared Books. I stumbled across Marathon! by Jeff Galloway, for a mere $2.76. C.G. said she had a copy and had loaned it out, and that it was pretty well-written. I picked it up - to the dismay of the cashier, who didn't want to deal with me b/c another lit event was going on inside the store. I think he would've preferred it if I had stolen the book.
I met up with C.E. on Sunday to go for a hike, and mentioned the book to her. And that's when this whole concept changed from "thinking about" to "planning to do". Yup - I think I'm running a marathon. According to the plan laid out in Galloway's book, the weekly time commitment is low - 30 minutes a day, plus a long run on Sunday. I can do one long run a week, and something is seriously wrong if I can't carve out 30 minutes for exercise. Up until a year and a half ago, I was exercising at least an hour a day 5-6 days a week. This goal may be just what I need to get moving again - on a REGULAR basis. Which will be better for my health and my sanity. That, and my pants are too tight.
Anyway, on our way to Ritual Coffee Roasters to hear columnists from the SF Chronicle (where according to the suggested LitQuake drinking game I would take 2 sips for my Matt Gonzalez sighting - and possibly an additional 2 since I was actually introduced and we shook hands), we stopped to browse the used book bins at Dog-Eared Books. I stumbled across Marathon! by Jeff Galloway, for a mere $2.76. C.G. said she had a copy and had loaned it out, and that it was pretty well-written. I picked it up - to the dismay of the cashier, who didn't want to deal with me b/c another lit event was going on inside the store. I think he would've preferred it if I had stolen the book.
I met up with C.E. on Sunday to go for a hike, and mentioned the book to her. And that's when this whole concept changed from "thinking about" to "planning to do". Yup - I think I'm running a marathon. According to the plan laid out in Galloway's book, the weekly time commitment is low - 30 minutes a day, plus a long run on Sunday. I can do one long run a week, and something is seriously wrong if I can't carve out 30 minutes for exercise. Up until a year and a half ago, I was exercising at least an hour a day 5-6 days a week. This goal may be just what I need to get moving again - on a REGULAR basis. Which will be better for my health and my sanity. That, and my pants are too tight.
That's awesome!!! You go girl!
Admin, at 6:24 PM
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