Rolling Stones
File this under "You Can't Always Get What You Want". I need to start the new job August 15th, which means I won't get the few days of nothing that I was hoping for in between. Funny how my days of unemployment were so incredibly painful and anxiety-producing last summer, and now I wish I could get a few. Granted, at that time I had no job lined up and was in constant fear of living under a highway overpass when my friends got tired of letting me sleep on their couches.
Fortunately, the new job will not interfere with the long anticipated FOK (Friends of Kathy) Excursion to Calistoga. Which still leaves me two week days free of having to go to work, but doesn't leave time to go anywhere else without being pretty exhausted for my first day of work. I'd prefer that my first impression is to appear carefree and refreshed, not frazzled and bleary.
Fortunately, the new job will not interfere with the long anticipated FOK (Friends of Kathy) Excursion to Calistoga. Which still leaves me two week days free of having to go to work, but doesn't leave time to go anywhere else without being pretty exhausted for my first day of work. I'd prefer that my first impression is to appear carefree and refreshed, not frazzled and bleary.
Don't worry about the "carefree and refreshed" part ... in Calistoga, you'll be wined and mud-bathed to bliss!
Admin, at 7:07 PM
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