Where To
Home at a reasonable hour, and Top Chef isn't on for a while, so I decided to take the laptop on the road. I passed by Cafe Lo Cubano, which is adorable and has a free connection, but I'm afraid their cafe con leche is TOO DELICIOUS to be appropriate for the Weight Watchers plan. I keep walking. Down to the evil empire - where it is PACKED. Not a seat to be had. I sit on the bench outside, and open up my laptop, eyeing those around me warily in case they seem like the type to grab my Dell off my lap and run. There's the homeless guy in the raincoat who's taken to riding the 1BX around the same time I do in the morning, but he shuffles away quietly. I power up, and find the only connection at that end of the street is the TMobile. Ya gots ta pay for the TMobile. Not cool.
I close the laptop and shuffle off myself, back to Cafe Lo Cubano. Which is practically empty. WHY?!? Now, the place seems to do a decent business, and they won't be going under, but I don't understand why the Starbucks is PACKED and there are seats galore in here. I do a Half-Sally and ask if they use condensed milk in the cafe con leche - nope, either whole milk or nonfat - and I get one. I guess what makes it sinful isn't cream, but sugar. It's tasty. And probably still not all that points-friendly. Ah well. I still get to write it off as dairy.
And now - I am one of those hipsters who blogs at their local cafe. Color me bloggerati. Speaking of which - Lauren chastised me via Anna for not linking to them in my last post. Is that poor blog netiquette? I suppose I should learn these things, now that I can apparently claim to be a Blogebrity of sorts. It won't go to my head.
I close the laptop and shuffle off myself, back to Cafe Lo Cubano. Which is practically empty. WHY?!? Now, the place seems to do a decent business, and they won't be going under, but I don't understand why the Starbucks is PACKED and there are seats galore in here. I do a Half-Sally and ask if they use condensed milk in the cafe con leche - nope, either whole milk or nonfat - and I get one. I guess what makes it sinful isn't cream, but sugar. It's tasty. And probably still not all that points-friendly. Ah well. I still get to write it off as dairy.
And now - I am one of those hipsters who blogs at their local cafe. Color me bloggerati. Speaking of which - Lauren chastised me via Anna for not linking to them in my last post. Is that poor blog netiquette? I suppose I should learn these things, now that I can apparently claim to be a Blogebrity of sorts. It won't go to my head.
Who would have thought that picture of us would be showing up everywhere? I even put it on my own blog!
And if you would have showed up for the actual conference and not just crash the afterparty, you would have learned that you should link early and link often.
And I am totally stealing your "color me bloggerati" quote. Don't know how, but I am using it.
And I am totally getting you to write for sf.metblogs.com. SF needs you!
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM
Hey, you hot thing you! Nice pic. And I'm thinking that "blog netiquette" can be condensed into "blogiquette."
Or maybe not.
Admin, at 9:42 PM
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