More Good News for Optimists

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Insult to Injury

(Welcome back, neighbor's wireless! I love you!)

Last week Sunday, I went on a really great walk in my neighborhood, going up and down lots of hills and enjoying the views and the mansions. I came home and was walking to the store when all of a sudden - my foot seized up. The arch just stopped bending, and I was hobbling. I thought it was just a cramp, and that it would pass.

On Wednesday, after my friend M.K. expressed concern every morning when we went to coffee and kept asking if I'd been to the doctor yet, I went to the doctor. Turns out - it's plantar fasciitis. Did you know you could get it in your arch, and not just your heel? Well, you can. It kinda sucks.

Adding insult to injury, in a rather literal sense, they also weighed me. It seems I am back to within 5 pounds of my highwater-mark weight. I am not happy about this. Seven years ago, I lost a great deal of weight, and maintained pretty well for a couple of years. It appears that there was a bit of a downhill slide after that. I think this means it's time to start over, and go back to Weight Watchers. I guess. Uck. I'm nervous, because last time I did this, I wasn't living alone. Not that he joined me - it was all me - but I felt more accountable, and I guess I also felt better because someone was there to see it was hard every day, but I persevered. An external daily affirmation.


  • Recommend you neighbor implement
    kittenification attack ...

    By Blogger Count de Forez, at 8:33 PM  

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