More Good News for Optimists

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Nice Young Folk are Patsies

I'm sitting here at Cafe lo Cubano, where they've rearranged the furniture again in an attempt to gain more seating but in a configuration that confounds for a while as people step over each other in awkward arrangements. A sour-faced old woman came in, and apparently asked someone at the counter to find her a table. Note that there are currently couches and chairs a plenty, some near large communal coffee tables, but none near a small table on its own. So the helpful manager walks around with her, trying to find an empty space. Those he finds are clearly not to her liking. I myself am sitting in a chair near one of the aforementioned large tables, so I have nothing she'd want.

Not long after the search begins, a nice young man (NYM) - who must be studying calculus or engineering or something math-y, judging by his large calculator, offers up his seat because he will be happy to move one space over and sit on the unoccupied couch next to his table. The manager thanks him, and tells the old lady, "This gentleman will give up his table." Her sour expression doesn't change, and she waits while the table is cleared of the young man's textbooks, and lumbers into her seat. Without a word, or pleasant nod to either the young man or the manager. I make eye contact with the NYM as he settles in, seeming a little bewildered, and said "See! You've made her so happy!" He smiles, and chuckles a bit nervously and says "Yeah, I see that." I said "Kinda makes it all worth it, huh?"

Seriously, old people. I do not mind giving you my seat on the bus. I do not mind waiting behind you in line as you valiantly try to extract coins from your wallet. I understand your rate of speed, or lack of stamina, is not within your control and not something you take pleasure in. But you should say THANK YOU. Or at least BE PLEASANT. I see polite people trying to do the right thing, and everytime you take advantage of them, others who did NOT do the right thing see this and say "THAT is why I don't bother." You probably won't crush the spirit of the NYM and NYW of the world, but you will certainly not encourage anyone to follow their lead.

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Saturday, March 24, 2007


"Hey Matt?"
"Yeah Tim?"
"Hey - you talked to Mark lately?"
"I haven't really talked to him but he looks pretty uh, down."
"He looks pretty down. Well maybe we should try to cheer him up then?"
"What do you suppose we should do?"
"Well - does he like butter tarts?"

from "Steal My Sunshine" by Len

Remember this song? It is awesome. Thank you, iTunes, for suggesting I remind myself of this. Even better? I found the spoken part in the intro refers to a Canadian pastry. For some inexplicable reason, because I myself am not Canadian nor am I particularly close to any Canadians (although I am fond of those I've met), I love it when the Canucks embrace their Canadianness. Canadianity? Canadisms? It's like vicarious nostalgia - I enjoy the comfort foods that make them happy, or the pop culture references that make them chuckle, or the maple leafs sewn on backpacks that let them know one of their own is nearby.

And who wouldn't like butter tarts? They'd probably cheer me right the fuck up.

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